Fregula with mashrooms and saffron

Ingredients for 4 people:

  • 350 gr fregula
  • 1,5 – 2 liters of vegetable broth
  • Extra virgin olive oil q.s.
  • 1 garlic clove
  • saffron
  • parsley q.s.
  • salt q.s.

How to make fregula step by step

Cut the mashrooms in little slices. Let them cook with extra virgin olive oil, parsley and garlic. Leave them aside while coocking the fregula.

In a pot let toast a little bit the fregula with extra virgin olive oil for 2-3 minutes on low heat. Add 4-5 big ladles of vegetable broth until the fregula absorbs the broth. Stir the fregula regularly to make sure it doesn’t stick to the pot.
Once the broth has been absorbed, put other ladles of it untile the fregula is ready (10 minutes).

Now the fregula is ready. Add the mashrooms previously coocked and the saffron.


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